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Mortal sin in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2017-10-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mortalmortallyimmortalmortalitymortal enemyimmortalizeimmortalitymortality rateMeaning: n. an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace. 
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1. Making fun of the Corps is a mortal sin.
2. Committing suicide was a mortal sin.
3. Martinho would have accounted his act a mortal sin.
4. She regarded gossip as a mortal sin, and encouraging it almost as bad.
5. Suppose, suppose, she were in a state of mortal sin?
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. Repentance alone did not cancel out such mortal sin.
7. Venial sin or mortal sin?
8. Adultery is a mortal sin.
9. Not for any mortal sin, but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!
10. Are those in mortal sin still in full communion with others?
11. To be forgiven for committing a mortal sin, one must be extremely penitent.
12. He had compounded a number of venial failings with the mortal sin of adultery.
13. And is hers strong enough to marry a man who regards unpunctuality almost as a mortal sin?
14. Not doing anything is doing something and choosing to look away is a passive but no less mortal sinBill Maher 
15. As I have said, we are not dealing with a demon but something worse(, a soul steeped in mortal sin.
16. Mum didn't want that to happen. Committing suicide was a mortal sin.
17. An act of perfect contrition is essential to save our souls, when being in danger of death and in a state of mortal sin we cannot go to Confession.
18. Nobody is a civil lord, a prelate or a bishop while he is in mortal sin.
19. The Catholic feast of the circumcision is considered so important that on the 1st of January every year, all Catholics in the world are obliged to attend Mass under pain of mortal sin.
20. So for those who think that just because an open core application or any application runs on Linux, therefore charging for the code is some sort of mortal sin, that is just ludicrous dude.
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Total 20, 30 Per page  1/1 
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